Testtool puzzel

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Helaas werkt de puzzel enkel nog op een computer.

Druk op het start icoontje om de puzzel te maken!

Loading the crossword has yet to start.




Find these words in the riddle: {{crosswordData.description}}

Difficulty level {{crosswordData.level+1|localeNumber}}
Word directions: only to the right and down any, including diagonal and backwards
List of words that should be found: visible before found hidden before found

Mark the words:

Start solving the riddle Restart solving the riddle Remaining time Time used

You have found {{count.solution|localeNumber}} of {{count.words|localeNumber}} words You have found all {{count.words|localeNumber}} words!

  • {{word.fields | joinWord}}

You have found {{message.solution|localeNumber}} of {{message.words|localeNumber}} hidden words during the alloted time. Congratulation, you have solved the riddle in {{message.time | duration}}!

Do you want to submit your result?

A username and password is required for saving!


Dont't try to be clever!



The marked word {{message.word | joinWord}} is not part of the solution.

Congratulation, you have solved the riddle!Congratulation, you have solved the riddle in {{message.time | duration}}!

You have found {{message.solution|localeNumber}} of {{message.words|localeNumber}} hidden words during the alloted time.

Please be patient for the crossword being loaded.

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